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Dementia is a broad term for a range of conditions that involve loss of mental ability causes problems with memory, language, behaviour and emotions. Around five percent of people over the age of 65 are affected to some extent. The most common form of dementia is Alzheimer's, accounting for about two thirds of cases. This community address the challenges of managing this condition early on. There may be some overlap with the Caregiver community since some of our caregiver articles and stories also relate to caregivers of persons with dementia

11 31 By Chaya1 1 year 2 months ago
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Graves Disease, Celiac Disease, Hashimoto Thyroiditis, Lupus, and other Auto Immune Conditions. If you would like us to add more, please suggest

10 18 By Karishmas 1 year 11 months ago
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This is a private community of people diagnosed with bipolar disorder where they can share their experiences, and gain support from each other. We welcome caregivers of people diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder (also, known as manic-depressive illness) is a mental disorder that is characterized by constant shift in moods between depression and elevated moods (known as hypomania or mania depending on intensity and psychosis).  It also includes shifts in energy levels and ability to function on day to day basis. Please follow the community guidelines.(This is not a crisis support line.)

4 7 By PatientsEngage 6 years 3 months ago
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This Community will address questions and discussions on all forms of Cancer. We will support each other - patients and caregivers in their journey  

25 56 By Sarayu Narayan 3 years 7 months ago
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A rare disease is any disease that affects a small percentage of the population. Most rare diseases are genetic and are present throughout the person's entire life, even if symptoms do not immediately appear. Many rare diseases appear early in life. This community is to allow persons with rare disease to get access to lived experiences and other resources and to connect with each other

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A place where Caregivers come together to share common experiences, challenges,and resources. 

Caregivers are truly experts in patient management and can help each other because of their intensive experience in patient care at home. Caregivers can ask questions to others on this forum going through a similar caregiving experiences. They can start topics and discuss things like ways to manage daily tasks, where to find doctors, nurses, and other health services, how they manage stress, and any other topics related to caring for their loved one and for themselves. It is a great place for Caregivers to come and chat about the issues that affect them on a day to day basis and take time to focus on their own needs and health.

28 107 By ManojAT 1 year 10 months ago
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aspires to help individuals with mental health challenges or those in distress regain mental wellness and lead fulfilling lives. We believe through CARE (Caring, Acceptance, Rehabilitation and Empowerment), we can build a mentally resilient community. Mental health is an essential part of a person’s health and anyone could experience a mental health crisis at different stages in their lives. It would be important to reach out to those around you or, seek professional help for support. If you, or someone whom you know is experiencing distress or a mental health issue, do reach out to us and we will support you.

1 1 By Laila123 6 years 9 months ago
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The Covid-19 Pandemic has upset our lives in an unprecedented fashion. Over the last few months we have been adding resources in English and Hindi. You can find a range of resources from managing the condition, mental health issues related to the pandemic and personal lived experiences. 

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Skin Allergies, Acne, Eczema, Dry Skin,

Diabetic Retinopathy, Retinitis Pigmentosa, Dry Eyes, Glaucoma



6 17 By Dr S. Patel 5 years 9 months ago
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Discussions about Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Cerebral Palsy, Down's Syndrome ADHD and other developmental challenges that your child may be facing

12 22 By PatientsEngage 5 years 10 months ago
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Pre-diabetes, Type 1, Type 2, Gestational, Complications, Diet and Nutrition, Yoga for Diabetes, Personal stories, News and Views, Discussions. Focus on Prevention and Management

115 366 By Manoj Hardwani 1 year 7 months ago
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Celebrate Life; Celebrate Diversity

We welcome you to the community page "Celebrating Disability", an online discussion forum where we introduce, discuss, debate as well as campaign and advocate various concepts, perspectives, paradigm shift, models and legal provisions that concern and impact persons with disabilities. The title Celebrating Disability emerges from one of the ideologies of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) to celebrate human diversity and that Disability is a part of human diversity. 

This online community page aims at demystifying the stigma associated with disability and reinforces the paradigm shift experienced by persons with disabilities from the charity and medical model to the social and developmental model, a holistic development of the society where persons with disabilities are an integral and contributing part and not apart. It will also focus on discussions and debates with regard to legal frameworks that impact persons with disabilities rightfully as well as adversely. The context and connect of UNCRPD with most terminologies & concepts to be discussed in the forum goes without saying. The perspectives of different professionals and their work with persons with disabilities are to be dealt as well. Any requirement for a larger campaign or advocacy may also be analysed in due course of a discussion. 

This community page "Diversity and Disability" will provide motivational stories and achievements by persons with disabilities on an equal  basis with others, articles by expert persons with disabilities as well as professionals without disabilities on their work and perspective, the gaps in the legal framework and way forward to harmonise the same, strategies/models to implement UNCRPD at every level and a lot more, by way of public discussions, debates and other creative methodology on each article/story. In addition a webinar will be organised every quarterly to discuss the topic of the term. The topics may widely range from different provisions of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and its connect with UNCRPD & vice versa, evolving concepts on disability, innovations pertaining to products, designs, services, infrastructure, information, communication and technology etc. 

Supported by Vidya Sagar, Chennai


3 6 By PatientsEngage 3 years 7 months ago
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The endocrine system is a network of glands that make hormones. These hormones control your moods, growth and development, metabolism, organs, and reproduction. The hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and pineal gland are in your brain. The thyroid and parathyroid glands are in your neck. The thymus is between your lungs, the adrenals are on top of your kidneys, and the pancreas is behind your stomach. Your ovaries (if you're a woman) or testes (if you're a man) are in your pelvic region. The endocrine system also controls how your hormones are released and sends those hormones into your bloodstream so they can travel to other body parts

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Fibromyalgia or FM is a medical condition with unexplained cause, often presenting with quadrant pain and multiple tender points for minimum of 6 months. Typically seen in women, often above the age of 40. Symptoms include fatigue, pain, low mood, etc. Diagnosed by a Rheumatologist. People with fibromyalgia often refer to themselves as Spoonies. Please follow community guidelines

3 3 By Spoonie 6 years 4 months ago
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Loss affects people in different ways and often they struggle to give voice to the feelings of grief. Its also not easy to move on as people often tell you. Grief and Loss Circle allows you to connect with others coping with loss and bereavement.

4 7 By Chandra Ramamurthy 4 years ago
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Hypertension, High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol, Heart Failure, Heart Disease, Cardiac Arrest, Heart Attack, Obesity, Arrhythmia, Pulmonary Hypertension and more

Join the forum, share your experiences, ask your questions

39 101 By PatientsEngage 5 years 4 months ago
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Chronic Kidney Condition, Incontinence, Urinary Tract Infection

Gastro Intestinal, Stomach related, Indigestion

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) 

Liver Disease, NAFLD, Chronic Hepatitis


30 86 By Dr S. Patel 6 years ago
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To help us understand when a condition is a clinical condition and tips on managing these conditions : Stress, Anxiety, Depression

10 22 By July 5 years 2 months ago
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The Multiple Sclerosis Society of India was established in 1985 in Mumbai. Presently there are 9 chapters with 2 support groups. Our Mission: * To put the MS person first * To create awareness and invite everyone within their community to join our cause * To work together to break down physical, emotional and social barriers * To build up hope for those who are differently-abled because of MS. Website :

6 6 By kishsush 3 years 2 months ago
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Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteo Arthritis, Gout Arthritis, Juvenile Arthritis, Psoriatic Arthritis, Osteoporosis

82 198 By PatientsEngage 5 years 1 month ago
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Parkinson's Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Stroke Rehabilitation, Migraine

Content for Dementia and Alzheimer's has been moved into the Alzheimer's and Dementia Community


9 19 By Dr S. Patel 5 years 4 months ago
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A community where smokers who want to give up smoking and those who have given up smoking can interact with each other and share experiences and tips.

3 3 By PatientsEngage 3 years 7 months ago
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The Parkinson’s Disease & Movement Disorder (PDMDS) community is a congregation of people from far and wide who come together for a common cause close to our heart- Parkinson's Disease. Whether you are someone living with and fighting powerfully against the condition, or someone dedicating their life toward the care of a loved one with Parkinson's, or just someone who wants to learn more about Parkinson’s- you can become a part of our community. . . Because everything we do expresses our motto "Together we move better" To find out more about the support we can provide to people with Parkinson’s please visit:

20 58 By conniesimontoon 1 year 11 months ago
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General community to use for discussions that don't fall into specific communities 

125 333 By PatientsEngage 3 years 2 months ago
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Cancer has become a menace in today’s world. In India mortality rate due to cancer is increasing day by day. Due to lack of knowledge about the disease and its treatment, the word itself creates FEAR in the minds of people. RACE2ric is a Non-Profit Organization working for the cause of cancer. The main objective of this organization is to educate people about the basic aspects of cancer, its myths, prevention etc. RACE2ric conducts Cancer Awareness Presentations (CAP), emphasizing on the Importance of Early Detection. The Trust provides Financial Aid to the needy cancer patients. Members of the Trust also counsel patients and their relatives, helping them to understand medical reports and treatment better, bridging the gap between the patient and the doctor.

2 3 By PatientsEngage 9 years 4 months ago
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Asthma, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

9 22 By Anil Kumar 26 5 years 1 month ago
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SCARF is the acronym for the Schizophrenia Research Foundation, a non governmental, non profit organization in Chennai (Formerly Madras) in south India Founded in 1984 by a group of philanthropists and mental health professionals led by Dr. M.Sarada Menon, an internationally known psychiatrist, SCARF has established itself as a center of repute in rehabilitation and research in disorders of the mind. The present team led by the Director Dr. R.Thara is composed of psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, rehab personnel, administrative and support staff. SCARF is one of the very few NGOs in the world to be named as a Collaborating Center of the World Health Organization ( WHO) for Mental Health Research and Training. SCARF would like to reach and support a wider community of patients and their caregivers through this community platform.

19 105 By DivyaHYD 2 years 2 months ago
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Recovery after Stroke takes a lot of effort on behalf of the patient and his family. The effects of a stroke depend on which part of the brain is injured and how severely it is affected. This also effects the rehabilitiation effort needed. This is a place for you to share your experience, to ask questions and to know you are not alone

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Conception, Pregnancy complications, Endometriosis, Menopause, Uterine Fibroids, PCOS, women specific issues in common conditions like Urinary Tract Infection, Heart diseases, Stroke, Kidney Disease and more


31 78 By PatientsEngage 5 years 7 months ago
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Our Motto 1. To assist patients suffering from thalassemia in securing medical treatment, including hospitalization and in securing transfusion of blood. 2. To monitor closely the medication, growth and thalassemia management. 3. To conduct blood donation camps in general and for thalassemia patients in particular 4. To organize and assist in organizing screening and medical camps for thalassemia patients. 5. To conduct on regular basis, or as may be found necessary, counseling or guiding centers or activities for thalassemia patients. 6. To organize social events for thalassemia patients. 7. To create awareness about thalassemia in the society in general by organizing and conducting lectures, publishing pamphlets, books and literature and through electronic media.

3 9 By Gagandeep Sing… 4 years 10 months ago