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Submitted by Veronika Joe on 20 October 2022

My 32 year old sister has paranoid schizophrenia with no insight. She has been showing symptoms since 2017 but was able to stay away from home and work. Whenever she was feeling persecuted she'd call my parents and yell and accuse them. Her delusion implicates our own family, and she's strongly against eldest sister because they had many fights before she got sick. From 2021 to mid 2022 we were able to give her meds surreptitiously because she was at home. Then her office called her and she was without meds for four months. She has come home now and is having episodes, blaming, abusing and getting violent. She's not taking home food all day and goes out once to eat. We don't know what to do. She'll likely leave again after Diwali holidays. We can't figure out how to help her. She is able to work thankfully but she's not eating all day while working.
