Hello everyone!
My name is Chandrima Das, and I am currently pursuing my masters in Applied Psychology from Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai. This message concerns my dissertation which is an essential part of my coursework. For my dissertation, I am working on understanding the 'Experiences of Male Caregivers of Individuals with Mental Illnesses'.
You are invited to participate in this research if you are:
*An adult male
*Providing primary care to an immediate family member diagnosed with mental illness (such as schizophrenia, bipolar affective disorder, major depressive disorders)
*For at least 6 months or more
*And are a resident of India.
Please fill up the google form (link below) with your contact information, if you meet the above mentioned criteria of the study and are willing to participate. Once you fill up the form, you will be contacted by the researcher whereby the process of research will be explained to you. Your responses will be used only for research purposes and your identity will not be disclosed anywhere in the research or elsewhere, meaning, that your name will not appear anywhere and no one will be able to identify your responses.
Your participation is highly valuable and deeply appreciated. I would like to thank you in advance for the same.
Link to the form: https://forms.gle/kZQcyyRg9Z8TSBU46
In case of any queries, feel free to write to me on: chandrimadas1112@gmail.com