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Submitted by Positive86 on 28 November 2021

My brother is suffering through schizophrenia from past 20 years. He is on the medication since then. He left his education in the school itself due to the disorder. My parents have become old now. There isn't that great improvement in his behaviour. Same kind of symptoms like suspiciousness, less confidence, non-stop meaningneless talking, agreesion & hatred towards everyone (even for my parents sometimes). He hates me to the next level. Doesn't want any interaction with me. He even gets agressive if something goes against his will. He doesn't go out except for few occassions like going to bank. I think since he is just stuck in the home & interacting only with my parents, his world is very limited and if my parents are not there means he won't be able to survive. We are first looking for a rehab centre (residential one) where he can learn different things and can get a perspective. After my parents, since I am not in a position to take care of him full time, we want to put him in a residential home care. So please advise both the type of facilities.
