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Submitted by Savita on 23 June 2014

Hospitality demands that hosts pile the plates of their guests with food - often rich and sweet. I try controlling the amount I serve on my plate but always come away feeling I have overeaten. Is having a small nutritious meal at home before the event a good idea? Will the meal be too heavy that way, since I will effectively be eating twice?

Also, being diabetic, I am very particular about meal times. Festive eating makes my meal scheduling erratic and I very often feel like skipping the next meal, a practice not advised by my doctor. How do I solve this?


Unplanned indulgences in food during celebrations, can easily lead to erratic blood sugars. Hence, it is advisable to consume a small portion of food at home before leaving for the occassion. This will prevent you from over stuffing yourself and also high post meal blood sugars. Such a habit may also avoid you from any hypoglycemic episodes, if any delay in meal schedules.

Look for lighter options like raita, soups, fruit chaats or moong sprouts salad instead of completely skipping a meal.
