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Submitted by Swetashree S on 15 April 2017

I'm 35 years and after my delivery I started getting very seviour lower bacck pain especially as soon as I wake up. I do ardha shalabh asana for some time. The pain reduces but after couple of hours it comes back again.  Please help me.

Hi...I do need more information about your pain ...But the Asana that you are doing right now won't help much..Try doing the bhujangasana and the cobra pose..
Hold the position for a 100 counts then relax and repeat 3 times.. do this three times a day if it helps... Stop doing them if they do not help.

Dr S. Patel

Tue, 04/18/2017 - 16:35

Lower back pain after a delivery is common in most women. This is due to various reasons such as weak pelvic and abdominal muscles post delivery, loosens ligaments and joints due to hormones, bad posture while feeding and lifting the newborn etc. Many women find epsom salt warm baths, warm compresses, pelvic tilt exercises, and mild stretching to be very helpful. Keeping a straight posture while feeding, bending knees while lifting etc are also useful tips.
