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Submitted by Purnima Chandla on 21 July 2018

Hi,i am 34 yr happily married women with a 5 yr child....look how i m giving my introduction to u that enough?2 years back i think i have more things in my introduction like i m mba,doing job,lots of friends,my hobbies to dance,travel,wearing beautiful clothes,wants to look beautiful,talking to people and lot of other things...but now today i m sitting alone and dont want to see anyone infront of me,dont feel like talking to anyone,ignoring calls from my friends, colleagues.i want to be in my house everytime.dont want to step outside.i have vitiligo when i was 6 yrs old with a tiny small patch and then vitilgo journey starts...i remember my father took me in the middle of my school to visit doctor for vitiligo treatment and he did everything till i turn 27.he was always in this tension who will marry his daughter...God was kind enough he sent a boy who looks me not my vitiligo and after a very big struggle we both got married and living happily..God again was kind enough andblessed us with a baby boy.but hard time start only for me... everyone was happy but i was not 80 percent body had vitiligo after 3 yrs of my delivery...i look ugly bcz of these patches.Family makes me happy ,console me but its hard to accept vitiligo as of now..i have isolated myself and talking to very few filtered people...i wish i would be like the same person which i was like before 2 yrs...just wanted to share my feelings which a vitilgo patient never do.i hope u too have vitiligo story

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