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Submitted by SnigdhaJ on 1 July 2018

I have been facing this problem for a while but has increased with time. I have even had medicine. If I drink or not deink water I have to go urine for at least two times in an hr often. Please help

Dr S. Patel

Sun, 07/01/2018 - 11:03

Sorry to hear about your frequent urination. There are several causes for urinating frequently such as recurrent or unresolved UTI, an overactive bladder, kidney stones, diabetes, weak pelvic floor muscles etc. In women, menopause and excess weight on the waist that can apply pressure on the bladder can also be factors. Even intake of excess caffeine, alcohol, artificial sweeteners and nicotone can irritate the bladder. It would be advisable to get a complete check-up done by your doctor to find the underlying cause of your frequent urination.
