In mar 2018 I gone with complete heath check up test there is no issue with my blood sugar even hba1c is normal no issue of diabetes... But in June during a fasting and pp test it shows boost of 324 and 406.then I consult my doctor and I started taking medicine and within a weak blood sugar become normal. Any when can suggest that is I'm a diabetic
Symptoms and signs of
Symptoms and signs of Diabetes are known to come on suddenly. Not all people go through a pre-diabetic stage. In most cases, diagnosis will depend on tests which can be repeated at two separate occasions to confirm Diabetes. Medications will bring the blood glucose levels down to normal. I would continue to monitor the blood glucose to check for variations during the day and after every meal. People who are > 45 yrs, overweight, smoking, have a sedentary lifestyle and have a family history have higher chances of getting diabetes.