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Submitted by sudarshan on 12 February 2015

my age 35. 3 month ago i check fasting bsl .that leval is 127. my md doc no sugest me any diabetes medician. that time weight help my what i can help me.


Dr S. Patel

Sat, 02/14/2015 - 12:31

Normal Blood glucose fasting level should be below 100 mg/dl. Your doctor may not be keen to start medical treatment for you right away. Losing weight, eating healthy (reducing sugar intake) and daily exercise all great lifestyle changes that can help bring down the blood glucose. I would monitor the blood glucose periodically and follow the Doctor's advice.


Sat, 02/14/2015 - 19:57

Sudarshan, please read the articles on this site on how to eat healthy. Please make sure you walk and do yoga regularly. If you have any other questions, please ask
