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Submitted by Mullangee on 1 March 2019

Which system is most suitable for treating this. in Indian conditions? Ayurveda / Siddha / Homeopathy. to get reasonable progress in reasonable time. The blood analysis shows excess strontium metal and less than normal Beryllium metal. He is 6 years old and attending a very prestigious school for special children in chennai for the past 4 years. He is not taking any medicine other than some allopathic drugs for ordinary fever cold cough etc. He is second child for his parents and delivery was by caesarian. He was born with jaundice and treated with antibiotics. He was administered MMR vaccine. ADHD symptoms visible only after 1 and half year age

Partheeban Kan…

Sun, 03/03/2019 - 19:01

I would like to know what made them to go for strontium screening. In general, children in the spectrum are more prone to heavy metal toxicity. Chelation is part of many treatment protocols across the world. The reasons for the toxicity includes from over exposure to the reduced ability of the bodily organs like liver and kidneys to flush out the toxins.
With reference to high levels of strontium, the main reason could be gut issues like leaky gut syndrome/ autistic enterocolitis, and high levels could be cos of higher intestinal uptake due to gut inflammation. It will be good to take the complete history, evaluate the current illness and plan for the treatment. Indian system of medicine like Siddha and ayurveda can help
Best regards
Siddha physician


Mon, 03/04/2019 - 07:07

Dear Mullangee, its not clear what you mean by treating ASD. You can possibly alleviate/reduce some of the symptoms that a child or person with ASD may have. If your concern is specifically hyperactivity - here are some tips shared by a mother…

Other children have benefited from sports/physical activity/arts/music
