Dermatologist Dr. Kruti Banodkar explains how hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism affects the skin, hair and nails of a person and some DIY home remedies and self care strategies.
Looking for information on emergency contraceptive pills and don’t know whom to ask or how to ask. Dr. Ranjana Dhanu, Consultant Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Hinduja Hospital answers these questions.
Menopause is the time when women stop menstruating. They often have difficult symptoms. Here are some simple and natural tips and lifestyle changes to manage Hot Flashes, Sleep, Hair loss
The loss of a loved one can lead to grief and complicated emotions. While we continue to talk about managing chronic conditions well, it is also important to acknowledge loss and emotions of grief. We also now know that people grieve differently. Join the Grief and Loss Circle if you are grieving or supporting someone dealing with grief.
It is a private community to protect the confidentiality of our members.